Key words Marketingcommunication
Objectives Students become familiar with Belgian and international communication agencies and communication jobs : (jr) Account Executive, Mediaplanner,…Students are able to interpret a briefing and formulate feasible proposals concerning Sales Promotion activities (trade and end-users). Students are able to formulate a briefing.
Students apply in a self-reliant way (teamwork, coaching) several marketingcommunication skills.They are able to propose a communicationplan and mediaplan by means of an analyses of the communication of the organisation and her competitors, in accordance with the communication targetgroups, the communicationstrategies and the budget.
If there is a creative part, it can be worked out with students of the Academy of Hogeschool Gent (Graphic Arts).
Mastering of the following professional competences:- problem solving & team spirit
- implementing theoretical knowledge into practice by means of cases, team work, guest speakers etc…
Mastering of the following general competences:- logical thinking
- research & processing of information
- critical attitude
- creativity
Topics 1. Communication agencies
2. Exploration of the issue Sales Promotion
3. Exploration of Corporate Communication
4. Development of a Communicationplan
5. Mediaplanning
6. Additional topics
Prerequisites Marketingstrategy, advertising and marketingcommunication (1st and 2nd year).
Students have also to attend the course Direct Marketing (3rd year).
Final Objectives
Materials used Book K.Floor & Van Raaij, Marketingcommunicatiestrategie ISBN 90207 28571.
Professional publications available in departmental library.
Study costs Current price book + copies.
Study guidance The lector coaches the teams (teamwork).
Teaching Methods Lectures, dialogue, team assignment (with EPHEC students) , cases, guest speakers and company visits.
- First exam session: written exam 50% + assignment 50% (permanent evaluation)
- Second exam session: written exam 100%
- Examination Board Flemish Community: 100 % written exam