Key words Marketing Information Systems
Objectives Integration of several aspects of the job of a marketeer in a company: strategic thought, collecting information on customers and competitors, use and maintanance of knowledge about the company and its environment. Marketers are knowledge workers. A marketer has, among other, the skills to exploit sources of information within and without the company in a systematic way. Sales and communcation are facilitated by the analytical and synthetical processing of the available data, supported by state-of-the-art technology. This course prepares students for their job as marketing analyst or as assistent to the marketing management.
Topics New challenges for management of an organisation in the knowledge society.Contemporary views on the organisation as an information system.The role of formal and informal information systems and applied Information Technology in the organisation.
Strategic market research: integrated usage of internal and external information resources. Application of IT in acquiring, storing, accessing, transforming and interpreting information and knowledge for the marketing function in the organisation.
Techniques of DM and CRM.
Prerequisites Basic techniques of Marketing Research. Insight in Strategic Marketing Management. Good knowledge of the Windows Interface.
Final Objectives
Materials used Texts from relevant scientific literature.
Computers and software.
Study costs Costs of copies. Transportation costs to and from companies where projects are done.
Study guidance Some of the study material will be in English.
Students who have trouble with this will get extra coaching during and after lessons.
Teaching Methods Students will master the concepts through reading and course discussions (texts are discussed in class). This will take about one third of the available time. Apart from that, students will do integrated projects. At least one of those will be an external marketing research project.
The others will be chosen in accord with the students and interested companies.
The projects will be coached intensively.
Assessment First exam session:
One third of the marks will be on preparation and collaboration during class. An individual portfolio will be kept for this purpose. Two thirds of the marks on the projects. Projects will be done in groups. Paper and reports wil be the basis for the assessment.
Second exam session:
The marks for preparation and collaboration during class and the portfolio will be retained. Project reports and papers can be reworked and presented by each students individually. Assessment of those will then be individual.
Examination Board Flemish Community:
Individual paper