Key words Economic and financial law
Objectives Students should deepen their knowledge on commercial and company law. They will get insight into the interventions by public authorities into the commercial life, such as the duties related to the granting of credits.
Efficient retrieval of information, using ICT.
Active problem solving and ability to give advice concerning some aspects of the course.
Topics Protection of the customer, Competition law, The organisation of banking and stock exchange.
Prerequisites Knowledge of the content of the course 'commercial and company law', taught in the year before.
Final Objectives
Materials used Hand-outs, Code, case law, legal articles, websites.
Study costs Normal price of the copies.
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Lecturing with the active use of the code and the judicial documents; assignments;Students should activily search for information by themselves.
- First examination session : written exam 100%.
- Second examination session : written exam 100%.
- Examination Board Flemish Community: (ditto regular student).