Lectured in 1st year Bachelor in remedial education
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 78
Studypoints [E] 3
Level introductory
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Annie SCHEERLINCK
Reference SCORTH01A00002
Key words

In a broad sense sociology is the study of social behavior and social conduct. A more restricted view states that social groups and institutions, in their structure, functions and changes, belong tot the domain of sociology.
The eduction profile indicates that the social educator has to have knowledge of those disciplines who have behavior as their subject. Through this science the social educator learns more about patterns of interaction and influence. The foundation is formed for analysing societal factors who have an influence on the problems with which care, aid, education and treatment are dealing, and, student is stimulated to be aware of the political and social topicality in order to follow societal evolutions.
In this first year we get an introduction in this science: basic concepts, important sociological principles, some specific sociological areas. In the years to come this knowledge can be studied in depth through forms of applicated sociology, and can be used in general in fieldwork.

Introduction to the workfield of sociology via conceptual analysis of behavior, social conduct and interaction, including the various basic forms of interaction and the various contextual factors influencing the interaction.
We study the way the individual learns, through socialization, general and positon-specific conduct, develops a social self-image and internalises elements of culture - values, standards and institutions.
We trace how social positions have a strong influence on behavior and how societal unions, through social control, socialise the individual and correct his behavior.
We study the family as a typical primary group; the evolution of the extended family to the nuclear family, and alternative types of family.
We examine culture as a sociological concept, including its various components.
We also study the framework of human behavior, groups.
A second part offers an introduction into some important sociological areas: social inequality, power, deviancy.

No particular prerequisites.

Final Objectives
Students define or describe correctly the sociological basic concepts and the most important sociological principles as seen.
Students situate their own functioning in societal unions out of various social positions.
Students illustrate the sociological theories they have studied with topically political and social events.

Materials used
Sociologie, Peter Lombaert, De Sikkel. Part I and II.
Supplementary and own notes.

Study costs
25 to 30 euro

Study guidance
The book, consisting of two volumes, is extensively studied during lectures. Students can at all time ask questions -before, during, after class-, or they can make an appointment. During lectures examination questions (and answers) are given.

Teaching Methods
Lectures with room for questions and debate. Attention for recent political and social events , and for scientific findings.

Written examination when term has ended consisting of multiple open questions (defining, describing, explaining concepts with possible use of examples out of topicality) and reproduction of the theories that have been studied. Insight in the matter will be traced.

Anne Scheerlinck