Key words Psychology
Objectives Supports other courses bij giving basic insights in psychological theories, structures and methodes, which are of greate importance in the workfield.
Topics Fields, goals, research methods & history of psychology.
Psychoanalysis, Behaviorisme, Gestaltpsychology, communication theories, evolutionairy psychology, ...
Cognition and perception, learning, thinking, social psychology, emotions, motivation, self(perception), ...
Prerequisites None.
Final Objectives Students have insight in psychological theories, methodes and concepts that wil help them in their field of work.
Materials used Teacher's course
Study costs 10€
Study guidance Group and individual.
Teaching Methods - lectures
- demonstrations
- seminars
- case studies
- group reports
- home study
- trai ning period
Assessment Scoring system: written examination
Lecturer(s) Rudy Schellaert