Key words
Objectives Communication skills are the basiscompetentions for the Special Educator.
Topics Communicationtheory : the sytemtheory, the five axioma's from Watzlavick, an introduction in the territoriumtheory, the theory of feedback, rapportation, ...
In the practicum lessons : excercises om active lisening, reportation, feedback ,...
Prerequisites To have an open mind, being self-refective
Having the will and the abilities to improve his professional communicative skills
Final Objectives The student
can explain in this own words how the communicationmodel works
descrive what a good professional relation is
describes the communication skills necessary to create an professional relation
can use the theory of Gordon correctly
knows the verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication
can write a good report
Materials used syllabus, digital information, video
Study costs 5 euro
Study guidance The student can contact the lector via mail or blackboard.
Teaching Methods courses combinated with excercices,
Assessment Written examination and permanent evaluation with exercises and tasks
Lecturer(s) Patrick Pevenage, Marie-Anne Staessens,...