Key words Psychology
Objectives Psychology helps us to understand more deeply the human behaviour in different contexts
So it helps us to react less intuïtive and more professional in the setting of the social work. Different methods in the field of the social work are based on psychological concepts and theory. This course is followed in the curriculum by the study of more specific subjects as social psychology, psychopathology, psychology of human development
Topics The definition, domain and investigational methods of psychology.
The study of the 5 basic schools of psychology (e.g. starting point, basic concepts, evolution, applications and evaluation):
- behaviorism
- psycho-analysis
- humanistic psychology
- systemic approach
- biological approach
Final Objectives The students should be able to understand psychology as a science.
The students should be able to indicate the methodological approaches used in psychology.
The students should give proof of a deeper understanding of the different basic schools of thought an use this understanding as a frame of reference for looking at human behavior.
The students should give proof of a deeper understanding of the practical applications that have developed from these basic schools of thought
Materials used Teacher's course
Study costs 8 euro
Study guidance Individual support
Teaching Methods - lectures
- discussion, exercises
Assessment Written examination