Lectured in 1st year Bachelor in social work
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 130.0
Training and projects [C] 30.0
Studytime [D] 180
Studypoints [E] 6
Level introductory
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Freya PONTEUR
Reference SCSWKX01A00012
Key words
Preparation to the profession

1. Students define the common root correctly
2. Students define the different options correctly : the global structure, the sectors per option, the target groups, linked organisations, the profile of the social worker (knowledge, skills and attitudes), used methodologies, instruments and sources.
3. Students show their vision on man, society and profession and have an eye for national and international news.
4. Students indicate essential steps regarding the different social and communicative skills, organisational and administrative skills. They can also implement these different basic skills (needed for a study practice in the 2nd year).
5. Students show a committed attitude : show an attitude of commitment made concrete in the following aspects : presence and punctuality, motivation, social attitude, eagerness for learning, taking initiatives, develop perseverance and expressing an own opinion.
6. Students show a critical attitude : this is a position made concrete in the following aspects : a broad view, a view on the own frame of reference, a view on own capabilities and limitation, putting oneself and the working material into question.
7. Students show a respectful attitude : this is an attitude made concrete in the following aspects : correctness in agreements, being present, openness, being real, equality, empathy, discretion and a non judging attitude.

The courses consists of two important pillars :
1. A theoretical (and practical) presentation of the common root and the four options : social case work, social cultural work, HR-work and social advisory work : history, definition of the terms, structure, target groups and organisations, methodologies, task and role of the social worker.
2. Exercises and tasks related to knowledge, skills and attitude aspects of the social worker.

No specific preliminary knowledge required

Final Objectives

Materials used
There is an elaborated course, supporting texts and exercises.
The book 'Leren en werken als maatschappelijk assistent' (VVSH) is used

Study costs
About 10 euro

Study guidance
During the academic year the students get feedback three times during an individual conversation. Here the different products and the learning process of the student are discussed. Points of attention and points of work are fixed for the current and for the next academic year.
During the lessons there is frequent attention paid to evaluation, feedback, adjustments, ... regarding assignments, exercises, conversations, ...

Teaching Methods
The introduction to and the acquisition of the learning content is supported and stimulated by : hearing college, observation of video fragments and documentary, task and reflections per lesson or resulting from special activities, group tasks and project work, visits to organisations from the different options, guest speakers and specialists from the different options, role play.

General principles and starting points :
* 3/5 product- and 2/5 process evaluation
* permanent evaluation : attending the courses is required : 1/4 or more absence means in principle failure. In case of legitimate absence an alternative assignment will be foreseen as much as possible.
Students make the following products :
* Practice work book : reflections of the course and/or specific tasks (speakers, visits, ...)
* Actuality map : commenting and elaborating the 18 articles linked to the different options.
* Final report : a typed report with a personal processing of knowledge and insights.
Regarding the permanent evaluation the (growing) process of the students, presence and participation during classes will be taken into consideration

Annick Verstraete, Nicole Vanhoucke, Freya Ponteur, Eva Vens, Inge Vanroose, Astrid Claus, Ann Brabandt, Gunther Deriemaecker, Barbara Redant, Hildegard Gobyn, Bart Ryckewaert