Lectured in 3rd year Social workSection socio-cultural work
Theory [A] 40.0
Exercises [B] 20.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 180
Studypoints [E] 6
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Annie SCHEERLINCK
Reference SGSWKS03A00293
Key words
Basic methodologies: Cultural Action, Social Action, Educative Work; Constructive Work

master both theoreticaly and practicaly the basic aspects/pillars of the various basic methodologies;
state explicitly an argumentative personal view on the importance of the basic methodologies for Social cultural work and for society;
define correctly the agogic carrying power of the target-audience as soluble potential;
motivate people to learn;
work efficiently task- and proces directed with groups;
program qualitative projects and activities from established needs;
start changing processes from a framework that shows insight;
activate networks following prconceived frame of goals.

Both theoretical and practical aspects of the currently important basic methodologies of SCW. Elaborate exploration of constructive work, social action and social movements, cultural action and cultural sociology, and, educative work.
Students have to choose two out of these four methodologies (constructive work or social action/cultural action or educative work) for thorough exploration. The angle of incidence is methodical, in other words, emphasis on learning how to use these methodologies. The importance of these methodologies is set socially, as is their importance fot the profession of social-cultural worker.

The courses social-cultural work (basic and deepening module), and societal constructive work (2° year) and groupwork (1° and 2° year) are the stepping stones. We work from the frame of reference seen tin 'Theory and Methods SCW' (3° year).
The various methodologies rely on insights obtained in psychology (1° year), sociology (1° year), philosophy (1° year) and social psychology (2° year).The actualization of these basic methodologies also requires knowledge concerning system analysis and contextual psychology. Being skilled in the actualization of the basic methodologies is also connected with being communicatively skilful, observing and reporting, and, reflecting.

Final Objectives

Materials used
According to the basic methodology: Reader with working-texts, personal notes, topical articles of elaborated course.

Study costs
Travelling expenses, cost for copies.
Each year a project grant is applied for to prevent students to make additional costs, or, to minimize them.

Study guidance
Independant working of students (inside or outside class) is supported by the lecturer in the role of guiding coach; necessary arrangements will be made.
Feedback will be used as a stimulating and motivating tool.

Teaching Methods
The teaching ways are differentiated according to the basic methodologies. The used ways of teaching: lectures with assignments and exercises, preparation task concerning field visits, exchange and presentation assignments, realisation of a project with workfield-partner.

Each basic methodology has its own way of assesment: Assignments, exercises, ungoing evaluation, oral examination - possibly grafted upon an individual reflective experience report.

Nicole Vanhoucke, Barbara Redant, Anne Scheerlinck, Arlette Veys.