Key words School psychology and the PGC (the Pupil Guidance Centre)
Objectives This subject expedites the learning of, among other things, the following cross-curricular core skills which a recently-graduated bachelor in applied psychology would be expected to possess. The newly-qualified bachelor in AP will – besides his (or her) meta-cognitive skills – be able: - regarding his (or her) diagnostic actions, to observe, diagnose, report (oral and written) and advise in response to a request made by a client, principal or client system, this in a professional, critical, deontological and ethically sound way. - regarding his (or her) diagnostic actions, to select and hold job-specific psychological tests and put the clinical observations in order and interpret them statistically. - regarding the giving of information and advice, to consult, efficiently, with clients, principals, client systems, other welfare agencies, referring and competent bodies, and then analyse and functionally assimilate the information thus obtained. - regarding the giving of information and advice, to objectively consult and use relevant, evidence-based literature and tools, databases, digital information and software. – in the intervention sphere, to plan and organize the interventions by mutual agreement and participate therein; monitor the progress thereof, verify implementation, evaluate and fine-tune, where necessary. - in the research sphere, to collaborate, in a scientifically sound way, on psychological research as regards the planning, preparation, execution, processing of the results and reporting on the findings. - in the research sphere, to follow recent scientific advances and trends and implement them. – in the collaboration sphere, both independently and in multidisciplinary consultations and cooperation, to act within the structure of an organization and within the legal boundaries of his/her position – in respect of his/her general world view and attitudes, (s)he has an open mind, a readiness to take decisions and a capacity for creative thought - in respect of his/her general world view and attitudes, s(he) is suitably motivated to acquire new skills throughout his/her working life.
Topics The following topics are discussed in this course. First of all, we consider the history of school psychology in Flanders. We focus on the developments and reforms which have manifested themselves, of late, within this field; in particular, the merger since September 2000 of the former Psychological, Medical and Social Guidance Centre (PMS) and the centre for preventive health care (PHC) within a new organizational structure which was named the Pupil Guidance Centre (PGC). In this historical sketch, we will go more deeply into the societal factors and circumstances which necessitated this reform. We will also look at the new legal enactment of the PGC as laid down in the decree of 18 November 1998 by the Flemish Parliament. The philosophy behind that, the development priorities, guidelines and aspirations are all put under the microscope. Another focal point is the deontological code for the PGC employee. The hierarchical structure, as laid down by law, and PGC’s multidisciplinary remit are gone into. Particular consideration is given to the role of a research assistant in psychology within this sphere of action. We examine the societal role that the PGC fulfils and take a close look at its remit (viz. its assigned tasks). In this way we learn, firstly, about its bridging- and buffer function between education and welfare or health care facilities; secondly, we are introduced to what its core duties are held to be, namely (1) individualized support to pupils, parents and teachers, (2) activities to disseminate information and raise awareness and, in doing so, optimize pupil guidance and (3) the development of information & counselling tools when choosing courses and a career for students, parents and schools.
Prerequisites No details have been given.
Final Objectives The students:
- can describe, in detail, the societal role that the PGC fulfils, in its bridging- and buffer function between education and welfare or health care facilities.
- can explain and justify, with the requisite insight, the typical remit of PGC and its multidisciplinary purpose.
- can correctly outline the latest developments in school psychology.
- can objectively and functionally consult and use specialist literature on school psychology.
- they have an intimate knowledge of the deontological code for the PGC employee.
Materials used The syllabus (scientific papers). The student’s own notes.
Study costs ± 10.00 euros (syllabus)
Study guidance A monitoraat by appointment only and whole-class supervision of the tutorials and discussion groups.
Teaching Methods Lectures.
Guest speakers drawn from that specialist field
Tutorials and discussion groups in which the relevant literature is gone through.
Assessment Half of the marks for the ‘lectures’ part: a written examination.
The other half of the marks for the ‘tutorials and discussion groups’ part: continuous assessment.