Key words S260 psychology; S283 psychopedagogics; H 382 psycholinguistics
Objectives 1. This course component is included in the training programme for the purpose of acquiring the general skills listed below.
As for the initial standards of competence, the newly-qualified bachelor in applied psychology will – besides his (or her) meta-cognitive skills – be able to:
1.1. observe, diagnose, report (oral and written) and advise in response to a request made by a client, principal or client system, this in a professional, critical, deontological and ethically sound way (2)
1.2. be able to objectively consult and use relevant, evidence-based literature and tools, databases, digital information and software (5)
1.3. plan and organize the interventions by mutual agreement and participate therein; monitor the progress thereof, verify implementation, evaluate and fine-tune, where necessary (8)
1.4. follow recent scientific advances and trends and implement them (14)
1.5. make and maintain useful contacts efficiently, mediate, consult and confer, pass on information, conduct interviews with welfare recipients, negotiate and hold meetings (17)
1.6. is emotional stable and very empathetic to other people’s needs (22)
1.7. is flexible, comfortable under pressure and has a high tolerance for frustration (HFT) (23)
2.1. partim 1
Children with emotional problems find it very difficult, as a rule, to express their feelings in words. Image communication offers these children the chance to deal and experiment with, and give shape to their feelings and needs in a setting of an aesthetic illusion. Another popular use of image communication, nowadays, is in victim support.
2.2. partim 2
Communicative actions in general, and psychological therapies in particular, call for a thorough expertise in the observation and designation of characteristic behaviours, employing body language for oneself and on the client’s premises, and the correct application of communicative skills and attitudes. A clear insight into one’s own actions and feelings is also of particular importance to a bachelor in applied psychology.
Topics Partim 1
1. Subjective meaning according to the phenomenonological model (cf. Joop Hellendoorn)
2. ‘Talking’ paintings by children with an emotional problem (cf. Smis)
3. The communicative possibilities of creative, behaviour-oriented social & community work according to the school of Middelo (cf. Eveline Grabau)
4. A theoretical framework for group-making and playing with dolls
(cf. Kathy Wutrich and Gudrun Gauda)
5. Children’s masks and a brainstorming session on that theme
Prerequisites - the subject-matter of ‘communicative skills 1’ has been mastered already (level 3)
- can actualize the speaking & listening skills in the cases under review
(level 4)
- functional implementation of the rules on structured feedback(level 3)
- qualitative diagnostic techniques and observation techniques
have been mastered already (levels 2/3)
- specialist literature: functional consultation and assimilation skills (level 3)
(specific to) partim 1
- in an analysis of a child or adolescent, the student is able to factor in problems relating to developmental psychological aspects (level 3)
Final Objectives Partim 1
- can place an emotional problem and behavioural disorders correctly within the genesis of giving meaning (level 3)
- recognizes the importance and potential of image communication in the light of an abnormal personal meaning-giving frame and an abnormal dialogue with his (or her) acquaintances (level 3)
- can adequately use image communication as a methodology tailored to the client’s particular needs, on people who, in their process of mental development, have come to a standstill and this in order to reactivate processes of change and acceptance processes (level 3)
- specialist literature on image communication: skills relating to functional
consultation, assimilation and proper use (level 3)
Partim 2
The students:
- grafted onto their capacity for introspection, the students can list their own opportunities for displaying professional competence(level 2)
- can characterize, with the requisite insight, their own actions and feelings (level 2)
- can communicate at an initial professional level, both in the teaching and professional contexts
- are able to implement previously acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes integratively in the practice setting and in the teaching context
- adhere correctly to the principles of resolving conflicts peaceably (level 3)
- give pertinent feedback based on observations made during role plays
- exhibit a deeper factual insight into different problem situations taken straight from the professional context and made concrete via the course-specific practice situations
- can reflect upon one’s own initial processes of change and displays a strong sense of continuity therein (level 3)
Materials used For partim 1
1. workbook on image communication
2. within the scope of a certain case study and from a limited list of specialist literature, to wade, unaided, through one source work in the bibliographical references
3. training video: music therapy
4. piece of work made by a child
For partim 2
5 paper on communication and feedback
6 book: non-violent communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg
Study costs - workbook: 2 euros
- drawing materials: 1 euro
- paper: 1 euro
Study guidance For partim 1
1. possibilities for self-appraisal via the workbook and/or the blackboard
2. weekly surgery
3. sample exam questions and answers
For partim 2
during the practice sessions
Teaching Methods 1. Problem-driven education, drawing on a case history in tutorials, and supervised independent learning
2. Experiential learning via two workshops and one experience-based assignment
3. Digital forum
and, supplementarily, for partim 2:
4. Practice situations and role play
5. The above-mentioned teaching methods provide an intense preparation and feedback about the work placement
Assessment For partim 1
1. continuous assessment:
1.1. the need to attend both workshops: no marks for this, but an essential requirement nonetheless
1.2. a co-assessment: regarding the discussion and reflection upon a piece of work crafted by a child in the context of the newly-acquired skills (5 marks)
2. written examination: analyse and put together a case history according to the structure of the creative, behaviour-oriented image communication diagram which they’ve been taught (5 marks)
For partim 2
3. the need to attend the practice sessions
4. in a two-hour interview with the lecturer, the student demonstrates that (s)he would be able to implement the taught subject-matter in a work experience situation (10 marks)
total: 20 marks