Key words
Objectives In this course component, the students master the 25 core skills at the application level. The main thing here is attainment of the meta-cognitive skills.
Firstly, the object of this course component is to deepen the knowledge and skills, acquired during the course component ‘vocational induction’. Secondly, this first placement period is meant as an exploratory- and induction period, leading towards the next tier of knowledge in Year 3.
Topics Situations, assignments, the student’s own (learning) experiences and reflections during the placement period
Prerequisites The knowledge, perceptions, skills and attitudes which were the object of study in Year 1 and in the first term of six months of Year 2, shall serve as a basis and frame of reference for skilled reactions under pressure during this first period of practical training.
Final Objectives During the placement period, the trainee implements:
- cognitive skills such as: solving problems, the ability to think “outside the box”, critically and creatively; looking up, analysing and using relevant information; reporting the findings and other information in an overseeable format
- meta-cognitive skills such as: a capacity for introspection and self-appraisal
- social skills such as: participating constructively in group discussions and teamworking
- affective skills such as a sense of responsibility, the ability to work unsupervised, flexibility and a high tolerance for frustration
Materials used 1. the learning packs, course notes and workbooks of the course components done previously
2. the student’s own learning materials within the scope of:
- the individually-tailored educational route
- the exigencies of the place of work placement
3. a reference manual for the work placement
4. a reference manual for the portfolio
Study costs Will depend on the travelling expenses
Study guidance target feedback:
1. the work placement takes place in an open, frank and mistake-tolerant working environment
2. the students have direct access to the lecturers
3. a period of supervision, and a return visit week (inclusive of a second
supervision and a trainee evaluation meeting)
4. a final appraisal interview
5. continuous feedback via the mentor (= the work placement supervisor)
Teaching Methods 1. responsibility for one’s own educational route in consultation with the work placement supervisor
2. experiential learning
3. problem-driven learning
4. integrative learning
5. supervision
6. off his own bat and in line with the individually-tailored educational route, the student attends lectures, seminars, conferences, etc., …
Assessment Self, peer- and co-assessment
this in relation to:
- the exit-level skills
- the training plan
- the coursework of the work placement
- the student’s own educational route
and measured in appraisal interviews, the portfolio and by means of checklists.
The residual knowledge and reasons given for attending certain lecture(s), seminar(s) et al. are recorded in the portfolio