Key words
Objectives In this course component, the students learn how to integrate and assimilate the entirety of the subject-matter. The chosen teaching method provides for an authentic, vocational, teacher-learning process. The students shall, upon completion of the course component, submit a well thought-out, step-by-step plan which gives a qualitative reflection of this teacher-learning process.
To bring this integrative project to a successful conclusion, the students are expected to draw heavily on their knowledge and skills acquired from course modules done previously or elsewhere (see also under “entry-level skills” and “exit-level skills”).
The following target competencies are linked to this course component.
As for the initial standards of competence, the newly-qualified bachelor in applied psychology will – besides his (or her) meta-cognitive skills – be able to:
· consult, efficiently, with clients, principals, client systems, other welfare agencies, referring and competent bodies, and then analyse and functionally assimilate the information thus obtained
· be able to objectively consult and use relevant, evidence-based literature and tools, databases, digital information and software
· spot/pinpoint risk-taking behaviour, high-risk situations and high-risk groups via preventive research & testing
· analyse a question or a task and, taking into consideration the information that is already available, to formulate, implement and evaluate a psychological test programme
· discuss the test data with the applicants (or client) so as to give an insight into the problem and look for workable solutions and strategies
Topics The curriculum content is ordered thematically according to the different steps one goes through in the course of a market survey: decide on the information that’s needed, plan the mission to collect the data and, finally, collect and process that data.
Prerequisites · The students already have a grasp of the different psychopathologies (level 2). [2 AP: Psychopathology and psychotherapeutic intervention techniques
· The students have an understanding of the factors that may influence human health (level 2).[2 AP: Health psychology]
· The students are fully conversant with the subject-matter of ‘communicative skills 2’ (level 3).[1 AP and 2 AP: Communicative skills 1 and 2]
· The students are fully conversant with the subject-matter of ‘biological basis of human behaviour 1’.[1 AP and 2 AP: Biological basis of human behaviour 1 and 2]
· The students have an understanding of the structure and organization of that specialist field (level 2).[ 1 AP: workplace training]
· The students can use IT tools & skills appropriately (level 3).[1AP: information and communication technology]
Final Objectives The students:
· can actualize, rationally and with the requisite insight, subject-matter acquired earlier or elsewhere relating, among other things, to psychopathology and psychotherapeutic intervention techniques, organizational psychology, consumer psychology, occupational psychology, health psychology (Man and quality of life), the biological basis of human behaviour (1 + 2), communicative skills, and information and communication technology in the context of integrative learning. (level 2)
· produce a strategic plan, according to the steps in a market survey, in order to develop a process and product in the context of the teaching method on offer (level 3)
· collaborate, to high standards of quality, at the young professional level with a preference for group-dynamic processes (level 3)
· promote, in the context of a young professional approach, a sense of (level 3):
o mutual respect and deontological ethics towards a target group, fellow teammates or within an organization, this in the context of the process and product to be developed
o operational independence, self-reliance and responsibility in the teamworking with one’s classmates
o fundamental analysis and executive summaries
o optimization based on critical feedback
Materials used A syllabus on a market survey or on management strategies within a company.
The syllabus of organizational-, consumer- and occupational psychology.
Other syllabuses from the 2nd year Applied Psychology.
Study costs The requisite course materials (if any) for the project: 5 euros
Study guidance The students are followed up rigorously and supervised during the elaboration of their action plan.
Teaching Methods The teaching method oriented towards integrative learning is under consideration at present.
We shall need to decide between:
· either problem-driven education
· or case-driven learning
The reasons for this choice will be given at the start of the integrative project.
Assessment Peer review and a reflection assignment. The reflection assignment is expounded orally at the start of the integrative project.
Period: June