Key words social, psychology
Objectives The student: knows what social psychology as science includes and what the differences are with other social sciences; looks critical to the different researchmethods used in social psychology; defines correct a few socialpsychological concepts (leadership, ...); has knowledge of the models of Leary, Tavistock, Cohn, ... and can apply them correct.
Topics Social psychology as science; Models of Leary, Tavistock, Cohn, ...; Socialpsychological concepts as leadership, ...; ...
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of the courses 'Psychologie', 'Groepswerk' and 'Observatie en Rapportage' (1st year).
Final Objectives
Materials used Syllabus.
Study costs 5 Euro.
Study guidance Feedback on individual work during the year; chance to ask questions; individual feedback after the examination.
Teaching Methods Colleges; video; personal work and work in team with other students; ...
Assessment Written examination (/03); indivual work and work in team with other students.
Lecturer(s) Greet De Brauwere