Lectured in 2nd year Social work
Theory [A] 18.0
Exercises [B] 9.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 80
Studypoints [E] 3
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Barbara REDANT
Reference SGSWKX02A00213
Key words
Social Development

- describe actual tensions in Community Organisation
- point at structural causes of individual un-wellbeing
- know methodes and techniques of planned change
- show how to influence the community
- think and work towards emancipation
- are critical towards social policies
- question their vision on the community and people

Students get a theoretical introduction on Community Development (situating the field, methodologies, history and policy) and continu in working groups to investigate actual subjects like participation, integration, empowerment,... In answer to this problem/theme they set up a (fiction) project in the field of social development.


Final Objectives

Materials used
Book: Samenlevingsopbouw in Vlaanderen. H. Baert, M. De Bie, A. Desmet, M. Van Elslander, L. Verbeke (eds.). Editor Die Keure, edition 2003, 811 pgs. Eigen nota’s.

Study costs
Book 55,00 €

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
Introduction: lectures alternated with dialogues and discussions, whereas students' visions, experiences and arguments are basic input.
Profounidng: small working groups are guided in their learning process.

Written examination in June.

Barbara REDANT, Nicole Vanhoucke