Key words Workingareas and -methods: social work, socio-cultural work
Objectives Students acquire an insight in a certain department of social work and methodics that are applied.
Social work:
Besides the development of knowledge and insight in the methodic, the accent lays particularly on methodical acting.
Most attention goes out the development of attitude, which is a fundamental condition in social aid-relations.
The presumtions-working principles are handed in extenso. The intention is to stimulate the reflection on personal acting, having the training period in view.
Socio-cultural work:
The students have an insight in SCW and the way it's been translated in practice.
Topics Social work:
Social work as methodic (such as approchments and strategies).
Groundmodel and generalmodel of social aid (various fases until the intake fase).
A further study is given on what SCW is corresponding with first years lessons, the role of SCW, the tasks, the backgrounds of SCW in Vlaanderen against which the different kinds of organisations and institutions and services placed.
The students get a general introduction in the conceptionframe and a survey of all subsections which have developed in Vlaanderen.
Final Objectives
Materials used Teaher's course supplemented with student's personal notes.
Study costs Social work: 3,25 euro.
SCW: 2,50 euro.
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- group reports
- role playing and
- group discussions
- exercices in workgroups
- guest speakers
Assessment Social work:
Permanent evaluation and quotation:
1/2 permanent evaluation, 1/2 case-study
Examination: Yes
Period: March
Method: Written
Elise ROBBRECHT, Nancy De Blieck.