Lectured in 2nd year BuildingSection real estateOptional course management
2nd year BuildingSection real estateOptional course measuring
Theory [A] 39.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 109
Studypoints [E] 4
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Kathleen VERLEE
Reference TGBOUW02A00002
Key words
Constructional engineering

The student should gain a clear understanding of the composition, the practices, advantages and disadvantages of the main parts of a construction.
The student should create a discerning mind, and should familiarize with the jargon and the technical terminology, frequently used in this discipline.

1. Introduction
2. Window boards and sash and frame
3. The roll-down shutter
4. Shuttered windows
5. Inner doors and outer doors
6. The staircase ( components / classification )
7. Financial aspects
8. Specific terminology
9. Actual tendencies

No specific prescience is demanded.

Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course
- notes by students during the courses

Study costs
Appr. EUR 12.5

Study guidance
Students can ask questions at any time after appointment.
No structural guidance.

Teaching Methods
- lectures

Maximum points : 80
Written examination

Kurt Buysse