Key words
To understand the different analyses which are used in malt houses and breweries, to control the various processes. The analyses are applied on basic ingredients of beer (i.e. barley, malt, adjuncts, hops, beer, yeast), on wort and the end product (beer).
Application of the different analyses in the laboratory, including accurately reporting.
Theory: Barley: discussion of chemical and physical analyses for malt suitability, germination properties. Malt: chemical and physical properties, importance of the grist composition. Wort: study of the important analyses parameters. Discussion of the most important analyses on the remaining ingredients: adjuncts, hops, water, yeast and caramels. Beer: physico-chemical parameters. Microbiological control of the basic ingredients, the brewing process and the end product.
Exercises: application of the most important analyses in the laboratory.
Final Objectives
Materials used
- teacher's course
- other textbook(s)
Study costs
Study guidance
Teaching Methods
- lectures
- demonstrations
- exercises
- individual reports
- Scoring system :
oral examination
Lecturer(s) Steven van den Berg