Lectured in 2nd year ChemistrySection chemistry
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 26.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 130
Studypoints [E] 5
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Valérie DE VYNCK
Reference TGCHCH02A00098
Key words
physico-chemistry, thermodynamics, calorimetry, equilibrium, phases, electrochemistry

The student learns to think and to argue in a physico-chemical way and to solve problems in all kinds of domeins by applying physico-chemical functions and principles. In this context theoretical skills are important, with mathematical derivations and argumentations being inevitable. During the exercises the students are confronted with the practical side of physico-chemistry where it is important that they learn to measure and to interpret physico-chemical properties accurately .

*gasses : theories of ideal and real gasses, effusion and experimental behaviour.
*thermodynamics : 1stlaw : energy, work, enthalpy, heat capacity, applications, 2ndand 3rdlaw: entropy, reversibility,
free enthalpy and free energy.
*phase equilibria : phase rule, interpretation of diagrams, colligative properties.
*chemical equilibria : influence on the position of equilibria.
*electrochemistry: electrolytes, Debye-Huckle, electrochemical cells.
Each chapter is completed by a number of theoretical problems.

Practical exercises on : measurement of molar masses of gasses, measurement of viscosities, surface tension, calorimetry, determination of thermodynamical functions, kinetics, phase diagrams.

The student must be able to interpret mathematical functions like simple integrals.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Course of theory and practical exercises.

Study costs
Theoretical course : approximately : 8 euro
Practical course : approximately 3 euro

Study guidance
Possibility to discuss problems after appointment with the lecturer.

Teaching Methods
Theory : interactive lectures with the possibility to ask questions and to debate.
Exercises : solvation of problems and guided experimental work.

Max. points to gain : 100 ptn
Theory : 70 ptn
Written preparation and oral defence. Theoretical questions and problems.
Possibility of re-examination.
Exercises : 30 ptn
Permanent evaluation of the work in the laboratory with attention for the draw up of the report, correctness of the results and the ability to apply the theoretical formules.
No re-examination.

Valérie DE VYNCK