Lectured in 2nd year ChemistrySection chemistry
Theory [A] 26.0
Exercises [B] 39.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 150
Studypoints [E] 5
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Katrien STRUBBE
Reference TGCHCH02A00897
Key words

Educating the complexity of biochemical reactions under homeostatic conditions.
Relating biological activities and biochemical and molecular events in multicellular organisms.
In the practical exercises it is important to work efficient and correctly with little amounts of biological materials. Understanding the riscs of contamination, fault positive or fault negative results and the influence of environmental factors. Students should be able to make a clear and correct report

1. chemical basis of life
2. saccharids
3. lipids
4. proteins
5. enzymes
6. sugar and fatty acid metabolism
7. cellular respiration and fotosynthesis
practica :
1. Composing and testing of buffers
2. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of proteins
3. Enzymology


Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course
- background information
- scientific & technical literature
- school library materials ...

Study costs
6 euro

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
- lectures
- exercises

- group reports

- home study

- Scoring system :
oral examination
permanent evaluation

Katrien Strubbe