Lectured in 2nd year ChemistrySection chemistry
Theory [A] 52.0
Exercises [B] 78.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 312
Studypoints [E] 11
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Karla BERCKMOES
Reference TGCHCH02A13917
Key words
analytical chemistry, volumetric methods, titrations, electrochemistry, potentiometry, spectroscopy,

Theoretical aspects :
The purpose of this course is to provide a guide to understanding the fundamental principles of the analytical technics of volumetric and instrumental methods.
Experiments :
With selected experiments the students are introduced in the practical aspects of volumetric and instrumental technics and how measurements are translated to reliable quantitative dates.
The results are qualified by concepts of quality control. A security report pays attention to the dangers associated to those chemical products.

Theoretical aspects Part I : Classic analytical methods
The analytical processing of data.
Gravimetric analyses , acid-base analyses, precipitation analyses.
Experiments : selected redox - , complexometric - and precipitation titrations.
Theoretical aspects Part II : UV-VIS spectrometric analyses
Experiments : calibration of wavelength - and absorbance scale.
Quantitation via the law of Lambert-Beer
Theoretical aspects Part III : Electrochemical analytical methods
Conductometric and potentiometric titrations. Ion selective electrodes.
Experiments : conductometric titrations ; calibration of the glass electrode and potentiometric titrations; determination with ion selective electrodes.


Final Objectives

Materials used
- teacher's course
- other textbook(s)
- school library materials ...

Study costs
Teacher's courses : ± 14 euro

Study guidance

Teaching Methods
- lectures
- demonstrations
- exercises
- group reports
- discussion exercises
- home study

- Scoring system :
written examination

oral examination

Lecturer : Karla BERCKMOES
Co-lecturer : Valerie DE VYNCK