Lectured in 3rd year ElectromechanicsSection electromechanics
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 52.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 127
Studypoints [E] 5
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Philippe BEERLANDT
Reference TGEMEC03A99438
Key words
Technical drawing + CAD

Mechanics: Learning 2D mechanical design, using a CAD program. Going further into 3D Soloid modeling.
The students have to be able to design 3D models and generate, from there, their 2D mechanical drawings.

Electricity: The students have to be able to design electrical circuits by themselves using Eplan. Composing electronic circuits.

Mechanics: Further 2D mechanical design in addition to the exercises of the 1st and 2nd year. AutoCAD is still assistant.
Introducing AutoDesk Inventor, an important last generation 3D Solid modeler.

Electricity: Further electrical design in addition to the subject matter of the 2nd year, using the extra possibilities of Eplan.

Having passed succesfully this course in the 1ste and 2nd year, or having a thorough command of these subject matters.

Final Objectives

Materials used
Mechanics: The bookseries "Vaktekenen & tekeninglezen" bought in the 1st and 2nd year is used.
Additional information and documentation concludes.

Electricity: Teacher's course of the 2nd year.

Study costs
Mechanics: around € 15

Electricity: around € 2,50

Study guidance
There is no tutoring or coaching provided, but individual aid in or after class is possible.

Teaching Methods
A combination of demonstrations and exercises.

Permanent scoring system without possibility of second tryout.

Philippe Beerlandt - Björn Renders