Key words classical mechanics, oscillatory motion and waves
Objectives Theory:
- The laws of classical mechanics are the basis for construction and function of machines, stability of
buildings and plants.
- The behaviour of gas flows and fluids can be explained using classical mechanics.
A lot of macroscopic phenomena can be reduced to oscillatory motion and, more general, periodic
movements at microscopic scale. Therefore, knowledge of oscillatory motion is mandatory for a better
understanding of lot of macroscopic phenomena.
Laboratory excercises:
- Multidisciplinary exercises are performed by students, individually and in group.
- Students are trained to interprete correctly experimental results by using the teory of errors.
- They are trained to rapport and formulate conclusions drawn from experimental resuls.
Topics Mechanics:
- Velocity and acceleration.
- Different kind of motions.
- Force and torque.
- Linear momentum and moment of inertia.
- Rotations.
- Conservation of energy.
- Simple harmonic motion.
- Damped oscillations.
- Forced oscillations.
- Composing and decomposing of oscillations.
- Wave equation.
- Different kind of waves: mechanical, electromagnetic.
- Propagation of waves: Huygens principle.
- Superposition and standing waves.
- Diffraction of waves.
- Intensity of waves.
- Velocity of soundwaves
- Units for measuring sound intensity.
Prerequisites Final competences in physics from high school.
Elementary vector algebra and goniometry.
Basic calculus.
Final Objectives Theory:
- The student can solve simple mechanical physics problems efficiently.
- The student can communicate verbaly and in writing about a physics problem and indicate the relevant mechanical and oscillatory aspects..
- The student understands the mechanical en oscillatory aspects of simple physical phenomena.
- The student is able to solve indepently simple mechanics problems.
Laboratory experiments:
- The student can perform simple phyics experiments regarding mechanics and oscillations.
Materials used Teacher's course and personal notes.
Various physics books, available in the school's library.
Electronic teaching platform with on-line tests and an electronic version of the course.
Study costs Cost: 15.0 EUR Notes for theory course + labo : 15 euro
Study guidance Every week, extra explanatory lessons, given by members of the physics group, at specific hours.
Possibility to consult the lecturer after every lecture or by appointment.
Self-tests, solved physics problems, exam questions from previous years can be found at the website
from the physics group.
Teaching Methods Lectures and demonstrations.
Guided excercises.
Individual project spreaded over several days.
Practical exercises, individual and in group, during lab sessions.
Assessment Theory:
Written examination with open questions. (theory 8/20, problems 7/20)
Permanent evaluation and practice exam.(5/20)
Lecturer(s) Theory: Johan D'heer.
Laboratory: Bert Nouwen