Key words animalscience
Objectives After succesfully ending this course the student should have:
- Knowledge of animal cytology and histology
- Knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the most common husbandry
- Knowledge to analize indepentdantly the taxonomy
- A good view on the evolution and revolution theory of animal
- A practical knowledge of animal principles based on practical excersises and casestudies.
Topics The most important features, which fit for the later education,of the following topics must be seen in the course :
- Biologic evolution and revolution
- Principles and features, taxonomy of:
o Protozoa, metazoa, plathelminthes, nemathelminthes, annelida, Arthropoda
o Chordata, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia
o Virusses and bacteria
- Biochemical processes, Cytology and histology of animal cells and organs.
- Skeletal and muscular system, nerval system, circulation system, breathing, sight and earing in relation with practical applications.
Prerequisites Basic knowledge of animalscience: taxonomy, anatomy, fysiology and biochemics
Final Objectives The student should be able to evaluate some practical problems on an indepentant and critical way. So after a critical examination he will be able to propose a possible solution in his domain of knowledge.
Materials used Notes (367 pages – 2004)
Study costs Cost: 90.0 EUR Notes and laboratory materials: 90 EURO
Study guidance The student can always make an appointment
Teaching Methods - lectures - demonstrations
Assessment - Scoring system:
oral examination - assignments
Lecturer(s) Dirk Fremaut, Karel D’hooghe, Joris Michiels