Lectured in 3de jaar professionele Bachelor in de Agro- en biotechnologie - afstudeerrichting: Agrotechnologie
3de jaar professionele Bachelor in de agro- en biotechnologie - afstudeerrichting: Dierenzorg en dierenmanagement
3de jaar professionele Bachelor in de agro- en biotechnologie - afstudeerrichting: Groen- en plantmanagement
3de jaar professionele Bachelor in de agro- en biotechnologie - afstudeerrichting: Groen- en plantmanagement
3de jaar professionele Bachelor in de agro- en biotechnologie - afstudeerrichting: Voedingsmiddelentechnologie
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 0.0
Training and projects [C] 96.0
Studytime [D] 300
Studypoints [E] 12
Level specialized
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Nog niet bepaald
Reference BCAGBD03A00007
Key words
Thesis and seminary

  • Being able to give a critical approach concerning the documentation given from the specific scientific and technical literature and being able to write a personal essay based on this documentation.
  • The subject of the thesis has to be about the skills the student learned during the practical training.
  • Being able to express himself before a jury.

Being able to finish and understand the requirements regarding to an essay.
The subject and the contents have to be within the specific area of the horticulture.

All courses

Final Objectives

Materials used
Background information
Scientific and technical literature
School library materials

Study costs
Cost: 100.0 EUR
€ 100.0

Study guidance
Supervision on a permanent basis by one of the promotors

Teaching Methods
Indivual supervision for each student
Group discussion concerning the requirements of the thesis

Permanent evaluation during the supervision
Final evaluation: contents of the essay and the oral defence of the thesis

Scoring system:
Permanent evaluation: 1/3
Final evaluation: 2/3

Promoters and all members of the reading committee