Key words CAD
Objectives CAD software is indispensable in every branche of graphical design.This software offers the user to design construction details in a accurate and profitable manner.
Topics Drawing management.
Drawing and modifying objects
Layer techniques
Text and dimensioning
Symbols, blocks, attributes and references
Printing and plotting
Prerequisites Knowledge of OS Windows
Final Objectives Designing construction details of garden and park designs in 2D with AutoCAD
Students must be able to use the most common drawing commands. Text, dimensioning hatch
patterns must be part of these drawings. Students must be able to plot the drawings with an
appropriate scale.
The student can work with the necessary capacity to analyse.
The student is independent enough to solve problems in a creative and fast manner.
Materials used Teacher's course computer
"Autocad2002 - Computer ondersteund ontwerpen" Ir. R. Boeklagen, ISBN 90.72487-29, Uitgever TEC, Huizen 2002, 1559 blz
Study costs Cost: 4.0 EUR ± 4.00 Euro
Study guidance Teacher is prepared to answer all your questions, even between lessons.
Teaching Methods Lectures
Assessment Scoring system:
practical tests with use of the computer
Lecturer(s) Johan ISSELEE