Key words Landscape planning, environmental planning, landscape architecture, landscape and nature conservation and management, heritage
Objectives The student is able to develop a critical and future-orientated opinion about the conservation, development and organisation of the rural area, taking into account the existing legislations.
The student has an open mind which enables to weigh the several interests and needs of the actors which play in landscape planning.
The student knows the existing legislations about nature, woods and landscape and is able to use them in landscape plans.
Topics Nature
- Decree about "Natuurbehoud en het Natuurlijk milieu (horizontale en gebiedsgerichte maatregelen)
- International legislation
- Landscape and nature construction
- European policy (European landscape convention)
- Flemish policy (protection of landscapes, estate landscapes
- Landscape as a hereditament, preservation by development
- History of the European nitrate policy
- Consequences on the flemish landscape
Prerequisites Final objectives of 'Landschapsplanning en Stedenbouw' in the second year professional orientated Bachelor in landscape en garden architecture.
Final Objectives The student can use the necessary existing legal instruments to develop a realistic and feasible landscape plan.
Materials used A course is available (S. VAN DAMME)
Study costs Cost course
Study guidance Permanent possibility to ask questions
Teaching Methods Lectures; active cooperation of the student is necessary
Assessment Written examination
Lecturer(s) Sylvie VAN DAMME