Key words Environmental planning, urban development, legislation, Structuurplan Vlaanderen, RUP's
- The student understands some important terms and theories regarding to environmental planning in Flanders.
- The student is able to look for, to use and to interpret the existing and future legislation regarding to environmental planning
- The student is able to formulate a well-founded opinion about environmental planning in Flanders.
Topics To a better spatial policy
Law of 1962: Plans, Licences, Regulations,…
Decree of 1999: conditions, plans, masterplans, …
Some important resolutions and circulars Making of diverse spatial plans Strategy and communication regarding to diverse planning levels
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives General
- The student is able to express his findings
- The student is able to analyse the landscape from a designers viewpoint
- The student learns to interpret designs critically and to discover the weaknesses of a design
- The student has the knowledge of some important concepts and theories regarding to spatial development in Flanders
- The student is able to search for, interpret and use the legislation about spatial planning
- The student is able to develop a founded vision about spatial development in Flanders
- The student is able to participate in a discussion about a planning proces.
Materials used A course is available.
Various laws regarding to environmental planning Internetsite on spatial planning
Study costs Cost: 0.8 EUR Cost of the course: ± € 0,80
Study guidance Permanent possibility to ask questions.
Teaching Methods lectures, tasks, internet
Assessment oral exam with Internet consultation (50%)
written planevaluation (50%)
Lecturer(s) Sylvie VAN DAMME and Luc WALLAYS