Key words columns - bending moments – flexion of beams or slabs in concrete – concrete walls – foundations in concrete – slabs
Objectives Introduction and overview of usual technics to make the student acquainted with basic methods for the practical design of current structures in reinforced concrete, taking into account the particular requirements, to come to the most optimal choice in order of advantages and disadvantages of technique, financial impact and environment.
After making the choice of the structure of a construction, the student is supposed to be able to detail the further design and calculation.
Topics - axially loaded columns
- support elements
- slabs
- beams
- hyperstatic supported beams
- organic calculation of a shallow foundation
- foundation on piles
- flexion
- walls
Prerequisites See learning objectives under “berekening van constructies 1”.
Final Objectives The student becomes an insight of al factors that influence the design and the calculation of structures in concrete.
The student should be able to calculate the different loads on a structure, according to Eurocode 1.
The design of the structure and the loads gives the possibility of further organic calculation, based on Eurocode 2.
Materials used Betonbouw 1: Grondbegrippen en courante gevallen (Academia Press).
Betonbouw 2: Scheurgedrag en vervorming – Bijzondere gevallen (Academia Press).
College notes.
Books available in the library of the department BME.
Info on Dokeos.
Eurocodes 1 en 2 .
Study costs
Study guidance Classroom teaching courses.
Interactive teaching on Dokeos.
Teaching Methods Classroom lectures.
Assessment Oral examination based on the individual knowledge of design and calculation of constructions in concrete: choice a kind of structure and practical use of design and calculation rules. A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item.
Lecturer(s) Hendrik Van Hoecke