Key words Additive chemistry
Objectives “Additive chemistry I” follows on “chemistry I” . The purpose of this course is to achieve a solid base and a clear insight into the theoretical principles of “ general- and inorganic chemistry” and “organic chemistry” and to achieve the necessary practical skills.
In this first partim a few items are additive and complementary regarding “chemistry I”.The objective is to provide a more extended and profound basic knowledge. So the student acquires the necessary theoretical- and practical knowledge to start the next course “Additive chemistry II” in an adequate sin.
Topics Phenomenology and reactions in gasous-,liquid- and solid phase. Stoichiometry. Solubility- and precipitationprocesses. (Redox)reactions in water. Reactionkinetics.
Basic Knowledge about chemical- and physical identifications and syntheses. Basic Knowledge about crystallisation, destillation and extraction.
Prerequisites Final competences "Chemistry I"
Final Objectives General competences :
The student is able to organise, analyse and examine a task.
Scientific competences:
The student is able to adopt the fundamentel concepts of “general- and inorganic chemistry” - and “organic chemistry” inclusive the basic principles and related calculationmethods.
Technical competences :
The student controls the necessary practical skills concerning more specific laboratoriumtechnics.
Materials used “ Aanvullingen oefeningen algemene- en anorganische chemie I “
I. De Jaegher
“ Theoretische- en praktische oefeningen algemene- en anorganische chemie” I. De Jaegher
“ Aanvullingen oefeningen organische chemie I “
G. Diricks
Study costs Textbook: € 6
Laboratory coat and spatula: € 30
Study guidance The student can always make an appointment.
Mostly each chapter is followed by theoretical exercises.
Teaching Methods Practical- and theoretical exercises.
Assessment Permanent evaluation + assigned quoted exercises during the year: 100 %
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus. Of course the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the study index card can also be used for 7 or less.
For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be insufficient, if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important for certain subcompetencies.
Lecturer(s) Ilse DE JAEGHER