Key words Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Objectives The discribed methods among others can be applied for the separation and cleaning of liquid products on industrial as well as semi-industrial and laboratory scale, also for the recuperation of a great variety of products (in view of a more favourable economic proces) and for more environmentally orientated aspects.
Topics This course is treating about ideal and non-ideal vapour-liquid equilibria, distillation (batch, semi-continuous and continous), solventextraction and gasabsorption. This course also includes the study of the industrial facilities and apparatus of the discussed separation techniques.
Prerequisites Follows “Biochemical and Chemical Technology” 2 st year Bachelor in Industrial Sciences in Chemistry.
Final Objectives General scientific competences [AWC1,AWC2,AWC3]
Ability to critical, creative and scientific thinking concerning chemical engineering.
Ability to applicate scientific insights on scientific problems concerning chemical engineering.
Ability to communicate and report (verbal and/or in writing)about scientific and technical problems concerning chemical engineering.
General technical competences [ATC2,ATC4,ATC5]
Ability to calculate and design industrial apparature such as distillation columns, solventextractors and gasabsorbers.
Ability to applicate adequately research methods and –technics for solving engineering technical problems concerning chemical engineering.
Ability to implement and use relevant new technologies concerning chemical engineering.
General competences [AC1]
Ability to discuss in team and perform adequately tasks concerning calculation and design concerning chemical engineering.
Specific competences [SC4, SC5]
Ability to design and control industrial chemical production processes.
Ability to obtain advanced chemical technological knowledge and master specific practical skills.
Materials used Teacher’s course.
Study costs About € 7.00 to buy the coursematerial.
Study guidance Possibility to consult the professor after the lecture/exercise or by appointement.
Teaching Methods Lectures with demonstrations and excercises.
Assessment Theory ( examination) : 57%
Exercises (written tests) : 43%
A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item.
However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items), he proves that his skill for certain subcompetences is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus.
Lecturer(s) D. Vanrobaeys