Key words automation, fluid dynamics, applied hydraulics, vacuum technology
Objectives Knowledge, use and dimensioning of pneumatice and hydraulic components.
Design , presentation and construction of pneumatic, electro-pneumatic, hydraulic, electro-hydraulic and vacuum systems.
Applying and programming of electronic controlers with pneumatic en hydraulic systems (PLC, proportional control).
Topics Pneumatics :
Production of compressed air, dimensioning and regulating compressed air installations.
Transport and conditions of compressed air : structure and dimensioning of compressed air networks.
Actuators : review and dimensioning of cylinders, motors and grippers.
Valves : review en dimensioning of way-valves, regulating valves.
Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic circuits.Design, presentation and construction of logical and sequential circuits.
Vacuum technology : review of vacuum components, design, presentation and dimensioning of vacuums systems for material handling.
PLC and valve terminals : construction, communication. Programming in ladder and SFC.
Proportional pneumatics : principles. Installation and programming of servo-pneumatic positioning systems.
Industrial hydraulics :
Production and transport of hydraulice energy, hydraulic fluids. Dimensioning of hydraulic networks.
Actuators : review and dimensioning of hydraulic cylinders and motors.
Valves : review and dimensioning of way-valves, regelating valves.
Hydraulic accumulators : review and dimensioning.
Hydraulic and electro-hydraulic circuits : energy saving, variable velocities, application of accumulators, serial and parallel, variable flow and working pressure, synchronisation. Compact systems.
Servo hydraulics and proportional hydraulics : principles en application.
Prerequisites See final objectives Mechanics II, Applied mechanics I, System- and signal analysis.
Final Objectives AWC2 , AWC3, AWC4, ATC2, ATC3, ATC5, AC1, SC8
Materials used Pneumatica (J. De Strooper),
Industriële Hydraulica (J. De Strooper),
Powerpoint handouts.
Study costs 15 €
Study guidance Individual follow up and correction of the students.
Teaching Methods Theoretical instruction : lectures
Laboratory : demonstration, practical problem solving, individual or in small groups. groups.
Assessment Theoretical instruction (oral examination) : 47 %
Laboratory, excercices (permanent evaluation) : 53 % A weighted average is used to compute the final score for a training item. However, if a student gains a score of 7 or less on 20 on one of the different courses (parts of training items) , he proves that his skill for certain subcompetencies is insufficient. Consequently, one can turn from the arithmetical calculation of the final assignment of quotas of a training item and the new marks can be awarded on consensus. Of course, the examiners can judge that the arithmetic regulations mentioned in the study index card can also be used for 7 or less. For each deviation a detailed motivation ought to be drawn up. In that case one should point out that the skill for this subcompetency is proven to be insufficient, if the student didn’t pass the partim that is considered to be important for certain subcompetencies.
Lecturer(s) Jan De Strooper