Key words
Objectives Designing of mechanical parts with a powerful 3D software application.
Making of 2D drawings of a designed 3D object.
Topics Oefeningen
The students learn by means of fully explained examples de possibilities of a powerful 3D software application.
Making of 3D plots with the master modeller module are explained.
Use of the commands revolve, extrude, loft, sweep, …
Final Objectives - Being able to apply general scientific views on scientific problems.
- Being able to communicate and report oral or written on scientific problems.
- Being able to gather and process relevant scientific and technical information.
- Being able to scientifically analyse and solve engineering problems.
- Being able to independently perform technical and scientific tasks.
- being able to discuss and solve problems with a team.
- Being able to make visualise and simulate electromechanical designs.
Materials used
Study costs € 5
Study guidance
Teaching Methods Guided exercises followed by independent exercises.
Assessment Theorie ( mondeling/schriftelijk examen) : … 0%
Oefeningen /Labo’s ( permanente evaluatie ) : … 100%
Gequoteerde oefening in de loop van semester