Lectured in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Financing and Insurance
Theory [A] 0.0
Exercises [B] 25.0
Training and projects [C] 0.0
Studytime [D] 75
Studypoints [E] 3
Level introductory
Language of instruction Dutch
Lecturer Harry DE MAN
Reference OCBMGF01A00001
Key words
Headwords: Applied informatics, Database management, Data banks, IWETO-code:, P175-informatics

This formation part intends to familiarize the students with data bases. Produce and employ a database in a professional way with the help of a database programm (part of an Office-pack).
The student has to know the most important possibilities of a database programm and has to be able to extend his knowledge through the programm documentation (help function).
The student has to be able to execute a given number of tasks independently and in an efficient way, within a limited length of time.

The student has to be able to think problem solving and work accurate.

This formation part is used for the linking to office-packs Word and Excel.

Get acquainted with a management pack for insurance brokers.

Database programm:

- Basis terminology concerning database programms
- Making tables, relations
- Import data, linking to Word and Excel
- Design queries: selection queries (incl parameter queries and join-queries) and action queries
- Work with forms and reports


Control pack for insurance brokers:
Demonstration of a control pack for insurance brokers

Be able to utilize the current possibilities of the operating system as efficient as possible and dispose of a basis keyboard skill.

Final Objectives

-Skills: - think-and reason skill - work independently
-Attitudes: - precision and accuracy


-Knowledge: database management
-Skills: manage data - work efficiently with PC, result oriented - Insight in professional informatic kits - creativity - think logically - insight in complex situations - think analytically and problem solving
-Attitudes: critical adjustment


-Knowledge: knowledge of data processing and of adjustment of data
-Skills: use the appropriate informatic solutions for prospecting and management of customer data - process relevant information, save and use - be able to settle in professional-and/or specific company computer software - retrieve data through queries - give in data through forms - report - think logically - insight in complex situations - be able to draw up a database

Materials used
Syllabus drawed up by the subject lecturer, available through the course service; handbook (E. Cuypers-Van den Broeck).

Exercises on network; Electronic teaching environment (Blackboard)
Floppy disk; DC-WR

PC with office-software, students who haven't got an own PC can also make use of the computer class outside the lessons.

Study costs
Syllabus: against the accepted copy price specified by the board.
Estimated number of pages: 250

Handbook: ±13 Euro

Study guidance
Guiding and coaching of the students with the self study.
The lecturers are available for questions on their e-mail address or on the study guidance day.

Teaching Methods
- Through teaching conversations, guided and individual exercises with the PC you get to know the software
The lecturer will coach you and adjust where necessary in your self study with regard to diverse exercises and tasks that you have prepared independently first.

written exam with execution on computer: 100%

written exam with execution on computer: 100%
