Lectured in 1st year Bachelor in business studies - Main Subject: Marketing
Theory [A] 25.0
Exercises [B] 12.5
Training and projects [C] 12.5
Studytime [D] 125
Studypoints [E] 5
Level in-depth
Language of instruction French and Dutch
Lecturer Kathleen Duyck
Reference OCBMGM01A00009
Key words
HEADWORDS:, French 1, IWETO-code H460:, French language and literature

French 1 is a link between the competencies obtained in the secundary education and the professional oriented competencies that will be developped in the following years.

The students develop their communicative skills by the means of authentic material in option oriented situations. They obtain also a number of professional oriented competencies.

There is attention for the 4 skills (listen, read, speak and write) and for formation of attitude (critical adjustment, sense for quality, creativity, precision and accuracy, self-confidence, sense for collaboration). This forms the basis for the more specific professional oriented competencies that are offered later in the programm.

- general, economic and professional oriented French by means of texts, word lists, audio-visual material
- skill exercises round different themes from the professional field
- repetition of the basic French grammar with exercises round the pressure points.

We expect the following attitudes from our students: motivation, inquisitiveness and perseverance.

Final Objectives
General competencies
General professional competencies
Specific professional competencies


Practical written and oral knowledge of French
Knowledge general and economic terminology


Communication: the ability to communicate information
Practical written communication

Work independently
Oral presentation

Consult sources
Practical telephonic communication

Obtain and process information
Read general and economic texts, define the essentials, be able to summarize

Be socially skilled in a team, among other things by executing tasks


Critical adjustment


Sense for quality

Precision and accuracy


Sense for collaboration

Materials used
Own syllabus, grammar handbook, both available through the course service;
self-study packs (internet).

Study costs
Copy's of the syllabus (max 150) to the accepted price in the department
Obligated intra-and extra-muros activities: nil

Study guidance
Bridge course, diagnostic test with the beginning of the academy, monitor, tests, feedback with permanent evaluation and exam, course supervision.

Teaching Methods
- Lectures, seminars, teaching conversation, presentations, guided exercises, guided self-study, teamwork, project.

First session: 70% tasks and 30% written exam
Second session: 60% written exam, 20% oral exam, 20% tasks
