Key words HEADWORDS, project-programme development-programming-Java-design, IWETO-code, p175-informatics
Objectives To obtain an insight into teaching students the following attitudes:
- to learn to work as a team
- to develop a project that exceeds the course
- to search information independently, work it out and explore
- to applicate the achieved knowledge
- to formulate the information written as oral for a certain target group
Topics - A project that exceeds the course is worked out with a group of students. Besides an informatical section a languistic section is offered.
Prerequisites - to think analytically and problem solving, recognize problems and make a diagnose
- develop computer programmes, knowledge of programming technology, data base projects
- development instruments for system-and application software, complex program languages
- resolve software problems
Liège languages:
- level secondary education: basic knowledge of grammar and of the four skills of Dutch, French and English
-KNOWLEDGE: - knowledge of informatical sources - basic knowledge of verbal communication
-SKILLS : -to be able to think analytically and problem solving - analyse and applicate technical directions - gather information - evaluate an action or a project
-organising information - identificate problems and make a diagnose - organise work - practical creativity - coordination with others - give advise to users -develop ideas and evaluate - argue clearly and with persuasiveness - written communication
-ATTITUDES: - to work systematically and efficiently - have social skills in a team - precision and accuracy - like to work in a team - perseverance - independence - take initiative - like to have responsibility - stress resistant
-KNOWLEDGE: - knowledge of programming technology (software developer, system analyst)
-SKILLS: - develop computer programmes (software developer, system analyst)
-KNOWLEDGE: - development instruments for system-and application software - programming technology - complex program languages
-SKILLS: - data base systems to exchange data with applications - resolve software problems - develop software for a new product, design, test and integrate
Materials used - Used courses and handbooks of the involved formation parts.
- Books and magazines from the library
- Professional literature on the internet
- For this part of educational training students use their laptop
Study costs none
Study guidance Individual learning problems can always be mentioned to the teacher and be remedied.
Guiding and coaching of students during the accompanied self study.
Teaching Methods Coaching per group - on a regular base, planned progress meetings in advance with diverse lecturers
In the accompanied self study students will have to search information on their own, study it and work it out to realise the project.
Assessment - The end judgement does not only take the end product into account but also the individual contribution, the presentation, the attitude during the course of the project working and the progress made by the individual student.
- If the student doesn't get a transcription to the second session, he can demand an extra task of the teacher during feedback. The presentation and the working out happen during the second session on an agreed time.
- The presence of a student at the appointments is obliged. The absence is controlable since the student has to sign an attendance list at each appointment. In case the number of illegitimate absences approaches or exceeds 20%, the student obtains the quotation "absent" for the formation part and a second session is impossible. In case of an absence for valid reasons or cases of supremacy the missed appointments can be catched up. The student has to take contact with the teacher in the case of absence.