Key words General, civil and commercial law, IWETO-code, S110 jurisprudence, S130 Civil Law Commitments and S144 Commercial Law
Objectives This course provides you with the necessary insight to understand our society, which is firmly built on legal standards. - The student must know the most important principles of the legally determined codes of conduct. He/she should understand the importance of these legal standards, in view of their practical benefit, for both for the individual and for society in general.
- It is our objective to teach students not only how to recognise and analyse the judicial aspects of a given situation, but also to enable them to solve certain judicial problems to a certain degree.
- We want to make students alert for our fast evolving jurisdiction and point out the necessity of lifelong learning.
- Students will need the abilities instilled into this course in their further education (for instance work placement, thesis, other courses).
Remark : depending on the chosen option, more specific accents will be integrated.
Topics Section general and civil law- Introduction: notion, sources of law, structure, political and judicial organization, procedure and evidence
- Law of persons and family law
- Business law and certainties
- Contract law
- Special contract
- Law of succession and gifts
Section commercial law- traders and deeds of trade
- evidence of trade liabilities
- organization of commercial courts
- trade funds and trade fund contracts
- partnership law (introduction)
- contracts with trade agents
- law concerning enterprises in difficulties
- law on business practices
- consumer credit
Prerequisites No specific knowledge required.
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related- judicial basic knowledge
- knowledge of sources containing judicial basic data
- knowledge of the basic principles of civil law, commercial law and company law
- knowledge of data carriers and some authorities which collect information: libraries, multimedia
- knowledge of professional literature
Job-related - being able to argue
- being able to express oneself correctly
- being able to understand information with a view to the problems posed
General: - precision and accuracy
- willingness to learn all one's life
- inquisitiveness
Job-related- being able to summarize
- willingness to take refresher courses (lifelong learning)
Materials used Section general and civil law
Handbook + possibly supplements + codex (recommended literature), newspaper- and magazine articles, slides, etc.
Section commercial law
Handbook, newspaper- and magazine articles, slides, …codex (recommended literature)
Study costs Handbook at the usual market price.
VRG-Codex 2 parts, Kluwer (for the sections Legal practice and Accountancy and tax law) at the usual market price
Books:- Bouckaert en Van Hoecke, Inleiding tot het recht; Acco
- Ghysels en Roodhooft, Praktisch handels- en economisch recht, De Boeck
Study guidance Tutoring
Teaching Methods Lectures in combination with interactive learning and analysis of judicial texts.
- 50% for section General and civil Law
- 50% for section Commercial Law
- First exam session: written exam 100%
- Second exam session: written exam 100%
- Students who only register to take examinations:
first en second exam session: written exam 100%
Form of assessment: open questions, possibly multiple-choice questions, blanks exercises, etc.