Key words Financial Analysis, IWETO-code: S190 Corporate Policy, S192 Bookkeeping Sciences
Objectives Student has to be able to draw up an annual statement account as well as being able to execute a complete financial analysis and being able tot deduct conclusions about the functioning of the company.
The student has to be made aware of the necessity to execute financial analysis recurrently, in order to deliver the needed information on policy (economical advice) to the management of the company. Thinking of 'Giving advice and decision-making as service for clients' the student has to be able to analyse the statements of bookkeeping and has to be able to interpret financial figures.
In order to be able to draw up alternative scenarios, students have to be prepared to go deeply into a problem. In order to be able to come to an advice, students have to be critical and capable to judge. Through the exercises students learn to deal with information, learn to work accurately (continuously executing check-ups makes sure that mistakes are avoided and like this it is possible to reach the maximum accuracy) and the emphasis is put on neatness.
Through group work students learn to work in team, think critically and come to clear conclusions as a team.
Topics In order to be able to anatomize both the financial state as the evolution in the history of enterprises, one has to know the annual statement account thoroughly. That is why the rules of appreciation are repeated and why exercises on composing an annual statement account are given. Taking a correct annual statement of account as starting point makes it possible to go to the making up of a balance of analysis, an analysis of a profit-and-loss account and an analysis of processing the results.
By means of a horizontal and vertical analysis of the annual statement of account we investigate important alterations in time and structure.
By means of some rationales for liquidity, solvency and productivity we judge the financial health of an enterprise.
Finally, the streams of capacity and cash flows in an enterprise are analysed and interpreted in order to deduct conclusions and prospections for the financial analysis in the future
Prerequisites Prescience about General and Corporation Bookkeeping
Being able to work with spreadsheets (Office-software)
Final Objectives Knowledge
Job-related (specific):- Insight in content of the annual statement of account
- Knowledge of the rules of assessment
- Knowledge of the techniques of analysis (see topics)
General:- Thinking and reasoning power
- Capability to be critical
- Work independently
- Being decisive
- Acquiring and assimilating information
Job-related (general):- Judging the offered knowledge (being critical)
- Organising (analysing, outlining, making hierarchical) of information
- Dealing with numerical data
- To express oneself correctly
- Thinking in an analytical and problem-solving way
- Thinking logically
- Insight in complex situations
Job-related (specific):- Understand and distil the offered information in function of the given problems
- Being able to read the financial health of an enterprise quickly by looking at the annual statement of account
- Through listening and phrasing of questions come to an accurate description of the problem and at the same time being able to distinguish main points from side issues
- Being able to come to a conclusion quickly
General:- Being critical
- Being creative
- Precision and accuracy
Job-related (specific):- Having an eye for details
- Being eager to work with figures
- Prepared to go deeply into a problem
- Prepared to ask for advice
- Being critical towards own conclusions
Materials used Syllabus (about 300 pages)
Study costs Copies at unit price determined under Hogeschool rules.
Costs linked to the performing of assignments.
Study guidance Guided self-study
Teaching Methods Lectures supplemented with examples and exercises (both individual exercises as group work), guided self-study: elaborate on a case study, namely a financial analysis of an enterprise.
- First exam session: 40% permanent evaluation and 60% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:- First exam session: 60% written exam and 40% individual assignment
- Second exam session: 100 % written exam