Key words Consolidation, IWETO-code: S192 Bookkeeping Sciences
Objectives The student should understand the issue of consolidation. He knows the definitions used by the Law of 6 March 1990 on the consolidated accounts and IAS-standards.
He has a thorough command over the methods and principles of consolidation.
He may analyse cases that enable him to put theory into practice. He is able to fill in the consolidated balance sheet and income statement, considering the eliminations of intra group transactions.
Topics In this course we start from a legal frame (Belgian Legislation and IAS-standards) of the consolidation: discussion of the application of regulations, basic definitions and concepts, kinds of affiliations, obligation of consolidation, controlling and participating interests, consolidated aggregate,…
We pay attention to the general principles and valuation rules concerning the consolidated financial statements.
Afterwards we go deeper into the technique, the preparation and the execution of the various methods of consolidation: full consolidation, proportional consolidation and equity method Finally, we handle the publication and control of the consolidated financial statements and notes.
Prerequisites Insight in the general and corporation bookkeeping and the practical command of its technique.
Final Objectives Knowledge
Job-related (specific):- Knowledge of consolidation: legislation and methods
- Knowledge of law of bookkeeping
- Knowledge of bookkeeping procedures
- Knowledge of the system of accounts
- Knowledge of the international standards of bookkeeping
- Knowledge of the sources that contain bookkeeping data
- Knowledge of the technical terminology concerning consolidation
Job-related (specific):- Mastering the basic principles of consolidation
Job-related (specific):- Eagerness to work with numerical data
- Eagerness to learn continuously
Materials used Syllabus drawn up by the lecturers.
Series of exercises and the system of accounts.
Study costs Syllabus: current price determined under Hogeschool rules.About 200 pages (syllabus + exercises + articles, …).
Study guidance There is always room for phrasing questions.
Teaching Methods Interactive method of question-and-answer in which various cases and practical exercises are discussed.
- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam