Key words Local, Regional and International Tax Law, IWETO-code: S141 Tax Law
Objectives Being able to give a general overview of the local and regional taxes in Belgium.
Getting acquainted with the international tax law.
Topics 1. Local tax law
2. Regional tax law
3. Basic principles of the international tax law
Prerequisites No specific prescience required.
Final Objectives Knowledge
Job-related (specific):- Knowledge of the fundamentals of local, regional and international tax law
- Knowledge of the sources that contain bookkeeping, legal, social and economical data
Job-related (specific):- Trace, list and collect in an efficient way all the possible sources that contain bookkeeping, legal and tax law data
Materials used Syllabus
Study costs Syllabus at unit price determined under Hogeschool rules (maximum 20 euro)
Study guidance Syllabus at unit price determined under Hogeschool rules (maximum 20 euro)
Teaching Methods Lectures for the theoretical part.
Practical: students have to make a paper individually or in group dealing with a specific item of this subject matter.
- First exam session: 50% written exam and 50% judgement of paper
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students only enrolled for taking the exams:- First exam session: 50% written exam and 50% judgement of paper
- Second exam session: 100% written exam