Key words French, IWETO code H360 (foreign language learning) and H460 (French language and literature)
- Develop communicative skills using authentic documents
- Increasing general economic and professional vocabulary
- Studying the French language system in depth and applying it correctly
- Learning how to work across different courses
- Exercises for written and oral skills (e.g. reporting, business dialogue)
- Texts and authentic documents in the field of transport and distribution and the terminology of it
- Refreshing some grammar issues
- Concise lexicon of transport terminology
- Cross-course assignment
Prerequisites Have the competencies acquired at the end of the first year (French 1)
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Knowing elementary terminology of logistics management in French
- Oral and written command of French
General:- Practical command of French
General and job-related:- Practical command of French
- Expressing oneself correctly
- Reporting in writing
- Being able to write a report oneself
Job-related:- Written and oral command of French in professional situations
- Getting to an exact description of an issue through listening and asking questions and being able to discern main issues from side issues
General:- Coordinating with others
- Willingness to communicate
- Willingness to listen
Job-related:- Handling information on logistics in French
- Being able to select from this information
Materials used Syllabus and the grammar book bought for the first year
Study costs Photocopies at the current Hogeschool Gent rate
Students usually already have the grammar book.
Study guidance Students may consult the lecturer orally, by e-mail or Dokeos
There is feedback on continuous assessment and the examination
Teaching Methods Lectures, seminars with class and individual exercises, working in small groups + group assessment), class work, cross-course project, self-study
- First exam session:40% continuous assessment and 60% written exam
- Second exam session:20% oral and 80% written exam
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session: 20% paper, 20% oral exam and 60% written exam
- Second exam session: 20% oral and 80% written exam