Key words Economics, IWETO code S180 - Economics
Objectives Students learn how to organize and analyse information. To this end the course book, supplemented with a limited number of articles and videos is used.
Information gathered from the internet is also a part. Experience shows that students call discerning economic relationships the hardest part of general economics. Now and in later professional life these relationships constantly surround us. Therefore the course tries to bridge the gap between theory and current economic affairs.
Students "crunch numbers" by means of the exercises in the course book. Thus numerical skills, reasoning power, ability to work on one's own and to make decisions are promoted.
- Introductory concepts
- Consumer behaviour
- Producer behaviour
- Markets and prices
- GNP - national income - national accounts
- The level of national income
- Money, monetary policy and inflation
- International trade
- Economic growth
- The government
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives Knowledge:- knowledge of sources containing economic information
- knowledge of professional literature for general economics
- knowledge of developments in the field
Skills:- reasoning skills
- being able to work on one's own
- ability to make decisions
- consulting sources
- acquiring and assimilating information
- ability to analyse and solve problems
- keeping up with economic reality
Attitudes:- being interested in dealing with economic information
Materials used Course book, supplemented with a small number of photocopies
Study costs Current price of course book, photocopies at the current Hogeschool Gent rate
Study guidance Tutoring
Additional individual questions can be addressed to lecturers via e-mail
Teaching Methods A mix of formal lectures, question and answer sessions and guided exercises
- First exam session: 100 % written exam
- Second exam session: 100 % written exam
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam