Key words Web design, E-commerce, HTML, IWETO code P175 IT IWETO code S191 market study
Objectives Being able to design a simple website using graphics, tables, forms … and putting it on the internet.
- Introduction: web design;
- HTML basics;
- Website development editor:
- Operating environment;
- Planning and implementing site structure;
- Layout;
- Hyperlinks;
- CSS;
- Graphics;
- Tables;
- Frames;
- Forms;
- Uploading the site.
Prerequisites Being familiar with a PC (making and managing folders, managing files, using e-mail, using a browser …)
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Web design techniques (ut supra);
- Graphic design.
General and job-related:- Working on one's own;
- Using software (the most recent in the field).
Job-related:- Exploiting IT possibilities;
- Using professional software.
Job-related:- Creativeness;
- Inquisitiveness;
- Openness for innovation.
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Teaching Methods