Key words European law, IWETO code S155
- Acquiring an understanding of the influence of European on Belgian law;
- · Special introduction to European material law: getting a better view of the internal market with free movement and competition law by studying treaty texts and Court of Justice judgements;
- Getting to know the various EG/EU institutions and decision-making processes;
- Getting an understanding of legal protection: the different procedures before the Court of Justice and the part of the national judge in upholding European law;
- Learn to research, analyse and apply legal texts and jurisprudence.Developing through all of this a critical interest in European integration.
Topics Introduction, the individual character of European law.History of European integration.Material community law: market integration, free movement of goods and persons: employees, settlement, students, free movement of services, capital and payments, competition law: rules for companies and state subsidy.Institutional law, institutions: Commission, Council, EP, decision making, Court of Justice, Audit Office, ECB, Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions.
Legal protection: procedures before the Court of Justice, direct procedures and preliminary procedure, part of the national judge: direct application and precedence.
Prerequisites None
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Knowing the influence of European on Belgian law;
- Knowing European material law;
- Knowing the EG/EU institutions and their decision-making processes;
- Knowing legal protection as included in European law.
General:- Capacity of critical reflection;
- Consulting sources.
General and job-related:- Researching information efficiently (professional methodology);
- Organising (analysing, summarizing, structuring) information.
Job-related:- Tracing, listing and collecting any judicial sources efficiently;
- Efficiently checking the information and documents collected for correctness, comprehensiveness and topicality, indicating bottlenecks and making additions. Wherever necessary, take action to get improvement.
General:- Critical attitude
- Attitude for lifelong learning
- Inquisitiveness, permanently keeping information up-to-date
Materials used Course book: Kennismaking met de EU en het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht, Erik Dehaese, Uitgeverij De Standaard, Hasselt; Judgements of the Court of Justice from the internet.
Study costs Course book at market price (approx. € 20)
Strasbourg excursion (approx. € 150)
Study guidance Students may approach their lector with individual questions.
Teaching Methods
- Lecture
- Interactive approach
- Exercises
- Presentation of researched jurisprudence …
- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam
Students registered for the examinations only:- First exam session: 100% written exam
- Second exam session: 100% written exam