Key words Social law (part social security), IWETO code S143 social law
Objectives Acquiring a view of structure and importance of the different branches of social security.
Critically reading professional literature, analysing and summarizing it.Students can find information on the different branches of social security.
Students learn to be on the alert for current events and developments in doctrine and jurisprudence.
Students can use correct terminology from the field.
Taking a point of view and wording limited judicial advice.
- Purpose and range of application of social security;
- Structure;
- Social security for employees: main items from the different branches;
- Determining contributions and the sanctions in this respect;
- Social security for the self-employed, esp. differences with employees and a view on different branches;
- Short survey of litigation;
- Each course item is supplemented with documents, exercises, reading jurisprudence …
Prerequisites An understanding of labour law
Final Objectives Knowledge:
Job-related:- Knowing social security: objective and area of application, calculating contributions, sanctions, social security for employees, social security for the self-employed;
- Knowing current events in the professional field.
General:- Thinking and reasoning capacity;
- Capacity of critical reflection;
- Consulting sources.
General and job-related:- Assessing the information offered (critical attitude);
- Logical thinking.
Job-related:- Being able to analyse and compare options.
General:- Critical attitude;
- Meticulousness;
- Attitude for lifelong learning.
Job-related:- Being result minded;
- Inquisitiveness, permanently keeping knowledge up to date.
Materials used Course book: Praktisch sociaal recht, F.D'heretefelt, L.Laurysens, uitg. De Boeck
Professional literature / internet sites
Study costs Course book at market price and max. 20 photocopies at the going rate in Hogeschool Gent.
Study guidance Coaching is done by the lecturer, during practice sessions students are required to look up things for themselves, exercises may be solved together.
Teaching Methods Lectures and interactive sessions (using slides);
Using documents, texts of law
Exercises are done together
- First exam session: 80% oral exam: interview on knowledge and practical understanding and 20% continuous assessment (report of an exercise/exploring jurisprudence/doctrine/current issue).
- Second exam session: 100% oral exam
Students registered for the examinations only: - First exam session: 80% oral exam: interview on knowledge and practical understanding and 20% individual assignment (report of an exercise/exploring jurisprudence/doctrine/current issue).
- Second exam session: 100% oral exam