Key words care of people with a disability - support materials
Objectives Caretaking for the social worker starts from the correct knowledge of specific problems of different target groups. In the first year of the curriculum students learn the specificities of different handicaps. In the second and thirth year they learn the specificity of other target groups. There is a relationship between two other subjects: orthopedagogiek, orthopedagogisch handelen, in the way that the same lecturer teaches the different subjects which makes practical links easier. objectives: - knowledge of the specific handicaps and caretaking - knowledge of the best caretaking processes regarding specific questions - analysing problem situations and formulating objectives
Topics people with: mental handicap physical handicap visual handicap auditive handicap
autism multiple handicap emphasis on: definition - prevalention - ethiology - classification - diagnostic - development - support materials
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives students give: - a correct definition of the target groups - a correct explanation about ethiology, diagnostic and care for the specific target groups - basic aspects in the caretaking proces of the specific target groups
Materials used Handboek jeugdhulpverlening; een orthopedagogisch persepectief (De Fever, Hellinckx, Grietens, uitg. Acco leuven) Assignments Assignments of papers
Study costs 31,15 euro
Study guidance on request practices bij blackboard
Teaching Methods lecturers discussion groups
Assessment written examination in juin (80%). paper (20%)
Lecturer(s) Claudia Claes Tinneke Moyson