Key words General and inorganic Chemistry
Objectives Learning the fundamental principles of general inorganic chemistry, in order to understand the more specialised coarses of the 2d and the 3th year. The student will obtain a knowledge which is indispensable for every chemist. The most important objective of the practical part is to obtain the necessary handiness and to control the most current basic laboratory techniques. Great attention is given to the sens for precision and accuracy and also to the indispensible aspects of security.
Topics Chemical stoichiometry Structure of the atom Molecular structure, valence bond, hybridization Molecular orbitals Properties of liquids and solids Chemical equilibrium in gases and liquids Electrochemistry and oxidation-reduction Chemical thermodynamics Nuclear chemistry Descriptive chemistry
Prerequisites Certificate of secondary school
Final Objectives General objectives
Winning and processing of information Stress resistence Willingness to corporate
Materials used Teachers course
Study costs Course: 5 euro Practical part: 45 euro (together with other exercices)
Study guidance There is always the possibility to ask something at the end of a lesson or during the practicum. Every month monitoraat during 2 hours.
Teaching Methods Lectures Demonstrations Individual reports Group reports
Assessment Max. points to score: 260 pt Theory:max. points to score:180 pt written partial examination: 50 pt written examination in june with possibility to second exam: 90 pt BZL: permanent evaluation: 40 pt Practical: permanent evaluation: max points to score: 80 pt
Lecturer(s) Maria Meganck