Key words linguistics
Objectives This course offers an in-depth study of various communication skills in Dutch in order to support other courses. Communication is regarded as a practical tool to transfer information. In all parts of the training and in your future professional life you should be able to convey (writing and speaking) and interpret (reading and listening) information correctly.
Topics Theory
1. What is business communication?
2. Written communication skills: Spelling / Correct linguistic usage (on the level of words, sentences and texts) / Summarizing / Reporting / Corresponding (e-mail, business letter)
3. Oral communication skills: Presenting / Telephoning
4. Written and oral communication skills: Meetings and taking minutes
5. Grammatical and lexical stumbling blocks
Guided Independent Learning (GIL)
Exercises in an electronic learning environment in order to brush up the basic knowledge (obtained during secondary education) and to practise the theory.
In the syllabus the subject matter is thematically organised.
Final Objectives The competences at which will be worked profoundly are:
1. Oral and written communication skills
- You are able to give and interpret information in a spontaneous and systematic way.
- You are able to formulate a message fluently, clearly, logically, briefly and correctly.
- You are able to see the difference between the essential and the secondary information in a message.
- You are able to use the diverse communication media in an efficient way.
- You are able to formulate a message using a varied choice of words.
The aspects Reporting, Presenting, Meetings and Taking minutes will not only be assessed during the course 'Communicational skills', but also in other training parts or courses (e.g. 'interdisciplinary projects' and 'work placement and thesis').
2. Independence (through GIL)
- You are able to complete an individual task successfully under supervision.
- You are able to ask for advice when necessary.
In the syllabus you find a detailed table with the requested knowledge, skills and attitudes for each module.
Materials used - Syllabus
You can buy this syllabus on the campus. It must be completed with notes taken during classes.
- Electronic learning environment
- Audiovisual material
Study costs syllabus: about 5 euros
Study guidance - You can always report individual learning problems to the lecturer: during or after class, or by e-mail.
- You can support your learning process by means of an electronic learning environment.
Teaching Methods The teaching methods are adapted to the various parts of the syllabus: learning conversations, sessions with exercises, GIL and self-assessment tests.
Outside the contact moments (= classes) you have to prepare exercises.
Assessment There are two ways of evaluation:
- written tests that assess the command of the language on the basis of GIL: 30 % (during the semester) - open and closed questions, multiple choice,
- an oral examination: 70 % (during the examination period) - preparation time is provided.
Second examination session: written part (30 %) + oral part (70 %)
In the second examination session the written and oral part will be examined on the same day.
Lecturer(s) The language department