Wordt gegeven in |
Keuzelijst voor 2de en 3de jaar Bachelor in de bestuurskunde en het publiek management
Hoorcollege |
[A] 26.0 |
Werkcollege |
[B] 0.0 |
Begel. zelfst./extern werk |
[C] 0.0 |
Totale studietijd |
[D] 90 |
Studiepunten |
[E] 3 |
Niveau |
uitdiepend |
Onderwijstaal |
Engels |
Titularis |
Referentie |
HBBEST03K00034 |
Trefwoorden European Enterprise Policy
Doelstellingen This course aims at providing an understanding of European enterprise policy at different levels: regional, national, European. The course aims at gaining insight into processes rather than accumulating detailed knowledge. Therefore concrete cases will be used such as the venture capital problem and incubators in Europe.
Leerinhoud I. Limits and scope of enterprise policy at European level
II. From SME policy to entrepreneurship policy
A. Europe lagging behind: between rhetoric and reality
B. The dynamics of entrepreneurship
C. Enterprise policy versus entrepreneurship policy
III. Entrepreneurship in financial and political institutions
IV. European policy towards start-ups
A. Venture Capital
B. Guaranties
C. Incubators
V. Enterprise policy and
A. Regional Development
B. Employment Issues
C. The role of big companies
Begincompetenties Basic knowledge of economics and/or political science
Onderwijsvormen Lectures requiring active participation of students in case studies.
Evaluatievorm Evaluation will be based on an oral exam
OP-leden Rudy AERNOUDT