Key words Environmental management
Objectives Introduction to the current state of affairs concerning environmental management and nature conservation in Flanders: legal backgrounds and decrees.
Practical approach: problem areas, options and realisations (regional, provincial, intercommunal, local...)
Student must learn all the structures regarding environmental management and nature conservation on all possible administrative levels,. Also, he must learn the impact of 'green laws and action plans on those levels, especially the local one. What is the task of the environment official?
Topics Environmental Planning:
The basic law and the decree concernqing environmental planning + all existing laws and decrees that interfere wth environmental planning.
Examples of plans + procedures (land division plans etc.)
Nature Conservation:
Introduction to nature conservation (basics), forestry, forest decree, landscapes in Flanders...
Local Nature an Environment Policies:
Environment covenant, MINA-council, waste management (case studies),...
Prerequisites none
Final Objectives
Materials used Teacher's course
+ copies of the most recent decrees and local MINA-activities
+ student is asked to inform about the MINA-activities in his or her city, town or village
Study costs Approx. 10 euro
Study guidance Teacher at one's disposal in the microbiology lab
Teaching Methods Lectures
Official documents
Nature walks (integrated in overseas excursion)
Assessment Max. 60 points
Written exam
Possibility of re-examination
Lecturer(s) Chris Vlerick